## About Me
I’m Brendan, a third-year software engineering student at [Chapman University](https://chapman.edu) minoring in Chinese studies. I’m actively engaged in student organizations such as [[04. Student Organizations#Seishun Taiko|Seishun Taiko]] and Panther Devs, Chapman’s game development club.
I’m simply interested in creating with software, experimenting with ideas, and learning from others. Programming is an art, and the engineering process is the means to a better outcome. I want people, both customers and teammates, to be at the center of everything I do.

## Find Me
- [View my PDF resume](resume.pdf)
- [
[email protected]](mailto:
[email protected])
- [
[email protected]](mailto:
[email protected])
- [GitHub](https://github.com/brendan-ch)
- [LinkedIn](https://linkedin.com/in/brendan-ch)